Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shoes from LuLus, Candy Bracelets and Other Warm Weather Inspirations

Summer!!!! Where are you? OK, admittedly it has not been a very bad winter so I can't really complain. Actually, we have not had a winter at all. I keep waiting for it to come and it never appears. Don't get me wrong, I HATE the usual bitter cold winters so this is a treat, but I think it may not be the best sign. I mean after all, I can't help but think that it is cause for concern when we stop having entire seasons...

Anyway, I digress. Even though we have not had a true winter, there have been a few cold days and I am officially ready for warm summer weather so I can wear things like these (not all at once, but you get the idea - these all remind me of summer):
Strapped Dolman Dress, Nasty Gal, $58