Friday, September 30, 2011

Our search for New York's best pizza

I love pizza. If I had to eat one food every meal for the rest of my life it would be pizza. Upon learning that we were moving to New York, one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind (and I'm not kidding), was that we were moving to the pizza capital of the US. Since moving here, we have tried a few local pizza places, only to be severely underwhelmed. The most edible so far is Ray's pizza, which is pretty good (I give it a B-). If you ask any "real New Yorker" they will tell you that Ray's is a chain and caters mostly to tourists, but it's the best we have found so far in our neighborhood. I will keep you posted as we venture into other neighborhoods in an effort to find the greatest pizza in New York.

Below photo - some slices from Rays.

Rating for Ray's pizza: B-