Saturday, September 17, 2011

My mission this morning...

was to walk to Zabar's and get some of their chocolate croissants. As you can see in the last photo, I ended up getting a little more than just the chocolate croissants, but who can blame me. That place is AMAZING. There must be hundreds of cheeses, every pastry under the sun and lots of European specialty foods. I made the mistake of going there hungry, so of course I ended up buying way too much, but I can say with certainty that none of it will go to waste...

And p.s., there is no photo of the chocolate croissants, because, well, we ate them right away, before I could even turn the camera on and take a photo.

The French St. Andre cheese is phenomenal! I think it may be my new favorite cheese. It tastes like brie, but with a slightly stronger flavor.