Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day meal!

This weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday at the lake opening up the house for the season. After two long days of hard work, I was exhausted by the time I returned home on Monday. All I wanted to do was eat and sit on the porch with the kitty (my husband was away this weekend, so it was just us two gals).

One thing you need to know about me: I am obsessed with food. I mean really obsessed. I start thinking about my next meal as I am finishing my current meal. I am always thinking about food. On this hot Memorial Day I was craving two things: 1. The Lilli's Crepe from Paris Creperie in Coolidge Corner, and 2. Watermelon.

Lets start with the crepe. It is fabulous. Here is the website: pariscrepe.com. My absolute favorite on their menu is Lilli's Crepe, with cheddar, asparagus, avocado, tomato, broccoli, spinach. They also make a phenomenal Smores Crepe (Nutella, marshmallows and graham crackers). Anyway, I don't know how to make crepes (and was feeling too lazy to put in the effort to learn), so I made my own version of the crepe in wrap form, with a few substitutions. Here are the ingredients for my wrap:

Wheat wraps
Avocado slices
Shredded cheddar cheese

It was really good! And, for dessert I bought a whole watermelon, carved it on the back porch, and ate 1/4 of it in one sitting! It was the perfect way to end a 90 degree day!