Saturday, October 29, 2011

Could You Go "Meat-Free" One Day a Week?

Paul McCartney just came out with this cookbook, which includes meat free recipes for people who want to take on the challenge of eating meat free one day a week. In June 2009, Paul launched his website Meat Free Monday after learning about how the meat industry contributed to climate change and other significant environmental problems. According to the website, "The UK's Food Climate Research Network suggests that food production from farm to fork is responsible for between 20-30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions." The back flap of the cookbook says that, "the family wanted to encourage people to have one day a week without meat as a way of "doing their bit" for the planet, thereby making a meaningful contribution to a more sustainable future." It also points out that current scientific studies link "meat-eating with human diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes."

What do you think, would you be able to go meat free one day a week? It might sound easier once you take a look at this list of some of the recipes included in Paul's book:

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Arugula Pesto
Spring Vegetable Tarte Fine
Pink Rhubarb Sorbet
Spicy Falafel with Tahini Sauce
Quinoa and Roasted Tomato Salad
Spring Vegetable Stew
Vegetarian Croque Madame
Crispy Spring Rolls
Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage
Limoncello and Ricotta Cheesecake

The Meat Free Monday Cookbook, Amazon, $19.57